ACTION AID - (GBV) Gender Based Violence Campaign Uganda September 2018
10 September 2018 - Home visit with Millicent Muwooya (over 18 survivor of gender based violence) at her home in one of the slums in Kampala, Uganda. Portrait of Millicent at home. Her ex husband threw acid on her face, during one of many violent attacks on her. The result was the loss of her left eye completely.
Karin Schermbrucker/Action Aid
Content collected in Uganda for ActionAid’s Christmas 2018 fundraising campaign, ‘Home shouldn’t hurt’. AA Uganda runs ten shelters for survivors of violence across the country. The shelters provide women and girls with a safe bed for the night, food, psycho-social counselling, sanitary protection and access to medical and legal services. Some shelters also provide livelihoods training so women can become economically independent. ActionAid Uganda works to prevent violence occurring in the first place through a Women’s Network in Kampala which conducts anti-violence dramas and community sensitisation meetings. In the past five years ActionAid Uganda has reached more than 126,300 via awareness raising programs.